Peace Corps Armenia
TITLE: CBD Technical Coordinator
START DATE/ TIME: May 20, 2011
DURATION: Short term, May 20 – August 20, 2011
LOCATION: Nor Hajin, Armenia
JOB DESCRIPTION: Community and Business Development (CBD) Technical
Coordinator is responsible for the design, implementation and evaluation
of the technical component of the 11-week Pre-Service Training for Peace
Corps Trainees.
– Visit and interview CBD volunteers to conduct training needs
– Design and implement a CBD Training curriculum and training sessions
that address the knowledge, skill and attitude needed to prepare trainees
who will conduct business advisory, NGO and IT development activities in
– Design and facilitate practical assignments during the Training for CBD
Trainees; facilitate discussions, act as lead technical trainer and as a
resource for all aspects of CBD training;
– Identify the technical skills of trainees and current PCVs in training
and utilize those in training;
– Monitor CBD learning activities and regularly provide feedback to each
– University/ Master’s degree in Economics, Business or Social Sciences;
– Ability to analyze and explain business and community development
tendencies in Armenia;
– Excellent communication skills in English, Armenian (written and
– Strong presentation skills;
– Strong inter-personal communication skills and openness.
APPLICATION PROCEDURES: Applicants should submit a Cover Letter, Resume,
two Reference Letters to Peace Corps Office at: 33 Charents Street,
Yerevan or email to: pcarmenia@… . Only those applicants,
who best meet the requirements, will be contacted for an interview.
Please clearly mention in your application letter that you learned of
this job opportunity through Career Center and mention the URL of its
website –, Thanks.
OPENING DATE: 18 March 2011
APPLICATION DEADLINE: 10 April 2011, 5:00 p.m.
ABOUT COMPANY: The US Peace Corps was established in 1961 to foster
world peace. American citizens, men and women of all ages and ethnic
backgrounds are selected based upon their experience and academic
background, to serve two years as Peace Corps volunteers. Currently
Americans are volunteering in 77 countries.
The US signed an agreement with the Republic of Armenia establishing the
Peace Corps in Armenia in 1992. Since that time about 700 American Peace
Corps volunteers have served in Armenian cities and villages. 99
volunteers currently work with Armenian counterparts and organizations to
improve English education, community health education, community business
development, and environmental education. It is through the
person-to-person collaboration between volunteers and their Armenian
counterparts that Peace Corps mission comes to life.
ABOUT: Pre Service Training is an 11 week training in Armenian language,
culture, respected technical fields for Peace Corps volunteers before
they start their work and service in Armenian communities. The PST will
take place in the villages of Kotayk marz in June – mid of August 2011.
To place a free posting for job or other career-related opportunities
available in your organization, just go to the
website and follow the “Post an Announcement” link.
Peace Corps Armenia
Nor Hajin, Armenia
– Visit and interview CBD volunteers to conduct training needs
– Design and implement a CBD Training curriculum and training sessions
that address the knowledge, skill and attitude needed to prepare trainees
who will conduct business advisory, NGO and IT development activities in
– Design and facilitate practical assignments during the Training for CBD
Trainees; facilitate discussions, act as lead technical trainer and as a
resource for all aspects of CBD training;
– Identify the technical skills of trainees and current PCVs in training
and utilize those in training;
– Monitor CBD learning activities and regularly provide feedback to each
Community and Business Development (CBD) Technical
Coordinator is responsible for the design, implementation and evaluation
of the technical component of the 11-week Pre-Service Training for Peace
Corps Trainees.